I was contact by Design Matters to create digital VFX artwork for their flagship conference taking place in Tokyo in 2022.
The project was to take their static branding visuals, and adapt it into a real-time simulation that would be cast to a large screen setup at the venue.
The visuals for the event were a combination of intersecting bubbles and wires which cycled through a variety of branding colors. You can see an example of this on the event's lineup page.
I decided to use Unity to calculate and render the VFX simulation and run it as a standalone real-time application.
Technical information:
All graphics were entirely procedural with maths and code; no textures!
Custom Shaders for rendering everything on screen.
Text rendered through SVG meshes and custom vector shader.
Wire movement is entirely procedural with code.
Simulation was projected at 4K with crisp edges and lines.
Values of the simulation were tuned based on feedback from Design Matter's designer
As the simulation was procedural, the bubbles and wires constantly changed. Which helped stop repetition over the 2 day event.
I have rendered out a 20 minute version of the simulation; feel free to watch it at double speed!
Main Collaborators
Design Matters - Client
Giorgia Lombardo - Head of Branding and Comms
Sara Bertova - Designer